Licking County Travel Partners – Here’s a good read for sure. Leisurely endeavors are good for the soul and the brain (no surprise there, right?) The ELC office found this one especially interesting because there is a museum slant. That is one thing that Licking County does well – preserve, protect and promote our very unique brand of heritage.
From the Executive Director
Dan is a lifelong resident of Licking County and is happy to call Newark his home base. With thirty years of experience in the hospitality sector, he has proudly served his community as Executive Director of Explore Licking County since 2012. His local board of directors’ involvement with the United Way of Licking County, the Works Advisory Council, and the Louis Sullivan bank restoration team keeps him grounded at home for causes near him. His involvement with statewide organizations, such as the Ohio Travel Association board of directors, the Ohio Humanities Council board of directors, the World Heritage Ohio initiative, and the Capital Area Tourism Alliance, allows him to bring a broad understanding of Ohio travel needs and wants to the work of Explore Licking County.
Dan believes travel is a catalyst for economic vitality and community engagement, feeling we’ve just begun to see Licking County grow into a regional destination of choice.